TXB Golf Classic - Sponsor Registration

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Sponsor Registration

Type your Department name and select your department when it appears.

Your selected sponsorship level includes fees for
For each player spot below, you may choose to either:
  1. Register those players for either the Lantana, Cypress, San Antonio, or Lubbock event (depending on availability) or
  2. Donate those fees to sponsor pastors attending the events.
Upon receipt of your sponsorship, you will receive additional information on how to register your players.
Select tournament Register or donate this spot?  Event ID
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7
Player 8
Four of these player spots will be assigned to each event (Lantana, Cypress, San Antonio, and Lubbock). For each player spot below, you may choose to either:
  1. Register the player for the specified event or
  2. Donate those fees to sponsor pastors attending the events.
Upon receipt of your sponsorship, you will receive additional information on how to register your players.
Tournament Register or donate this spot?  Event ID
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7
Player 8
Player 9
Player 10
Player 11
Player 12
Player 13
Player 14
Player 15
Player 16
Sponsor Hidden 

Tourney Counts



Registration Summary
Credit Card Information

eCheck Information

Billing Information

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